Export voucher
Export voucher
This platform is a new concept export support project. A voucher is provided to a company, and the company with the voucher can directly select needed services and a service (performing) agency from various export activity menu to carry out export marketing.
MNK¡¯s Strengths
MNK provides integrated technical services, including visual design, multimedia, and 3D simulation, thus helping in carrying out integrated management.
Customer review
9.84scoreForeign language paper catalog
(as of January 9, 2019) -
Contract in progress
Export supporting-based project -
Designated as performing agency
3years in a rowExport voucher
Designated as official performing agency

Person in charge of Export Voucher
Jeon Tae-sik, Head of Operation
- How are you? I am Jeon Tae-sik, in charge of the export voucher video part. I have a long-time experience in video making and its accumulated knowhows, making it possible to well understand and help produce videos. I try to make it possible to create promotional effects through videos.
Choe Yu-ran, Head of Operation
- How are you? I am Choe Yu-ran, in charge of the export voucher design part. With three years in the performing agency, I have a wide knowledge in the entire platform of the voucher project. To obtain the customers¡¯ goal, I do my best.
Kim Jun-chae, Head of Operation
- How are you? I am Kim Jun-chae, in charge of the export voucher promotional & advertising part. I have 10 years of experiences in a wide range of sectors and knowhow. To achieve effective performance compared with the investment in advertisements, I have faithfully dedicated myself with the mindset of ¡°I own this company.¡±
Contact inquiry T.1566-5653
Success stories
- iRinger promotional video
- Producing a video that introduces the IoT-based remote control monitoring system for the IV (intravenous) infusion. Winning a gold award at the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva.
- DAEDONG Engineering Co., Ltd.
- Producing a promotional video of Maxbrio-Damper
- Acquiring the 1st New Excellent Technology (NET) in 2018.
- Winning an award for the 17th Korea Parliamentary-Innovative Technology in excavator attachment.
- Wonjae Industry Co., Ltd.
- Producing a promotional video of I-Beam Heavy Duty Grafting.
- Designated as an Excellent Product with its non-noise and locking system.