MNK is armed with 11 years¡¯ production knowhows, professional workforces in research, production and administration, and optimal working system to provide customers with a simple and effective professional production system.

MNK currently has partnership with over 1,012 companies.

3D Simulation

97% Complete (custom) 97%

Visual Design

87% Complete (custom) 87%

Promotional Video

90% Complete (custom) 90%

3D Convergence Research

70% Complete (custom) 70%


MNK provides integrated technical services such as Visual design, multimedia, 3D simulation, and integrated management.

Korean film production company
Visual Design
Brochure | Catalog | Leaflet / CI&BI | Package
Korean film production company
Promotional Video
Corporate Promotional Video / CF Video / M/V / Home Shopping Video / School Promotional Video / Documentary
Korean film production company
3D Simulation
Patent Simulation / Architecture, Civil Engineering, Environment Sector / Chemical, Medical Sector / Product, Machinery, Electrical Sector / E-SMK
Korean film production company
Electronic Catalog / Responsive PC & Mobile / Shopping Mall / Product Details Page
Korean film production company
Online Marketing
Domestic & Overseas Marketing / Search Advertisement / SNS Advertisement / Mobile Advertisement / Media Advertisement / Viral / SEO Searching / Naver TV / Youtube
Korean film production company
3D Convergence Research Center
Conversion Project / Simulation Technology Research / AR/VR/MR | Industry-Academic-Institution Project


MNK has long-time production experiences and knowhows to provide a variety of government projects, such as an export voucher project, a patent technical promotional video production support project, and a cooperative technical development project for technology-specified company (K-ESP).

Korean film production company
Korean film production company
Korean film production company
Project inquiryT.1566-5653


The Following are MNK's Clients in Trusting Partnerships